Auto Parts Wholesaling
Business for Sale Industry Economics
Projected CAGR
2003 - 2020
2020 - 2026
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Over the five years to 2020, revenue for the Auto Parts Wholesaling industry is forecast to fall at an annualized rate of 2.5 percent to $173.5 billion.
This figure excludes a projected 10.3 percent drop in 2020 due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic, which is expected to dampen new car sales.
Unemployment has risen in 2020 as a result of widespread stay-at-home orders, discouraging shoppers from making major purchases such as cars.
Furthermore, because of the proliferation of operating from home, buyers are commuting less, reducing their need for new vehicles.
As a result, automakers have reduced, if not stopped, manufacturing, lowering demand for industry goods.
According to research, the number of new vehicles sold in the United States will drop by 29.9% in 2020.
As a result, industry profit (defined as earnings before interest and taxes) is projected to drop significantly over the next few years.
Since the market is extremely vulnerable to shifting macroeconomic factors, demand for Auto Parts Wholesaling has been relatively unpredictable over the five years to 2020.
Over the last five years, the car industry has been improving in general, despite increasing disposable income levels.
Over the current era, car makers and auto parts retailers have benefited from an expanding market, which has been helped by the government.
Rising customer trust encouraged people to buy cars, which helped industry operators.
As the number of motor vehicle licenses grew and the average age of cars grew during the time, demand for aftermarket car parts used for regular maintenance grew as well.
Interest rate hikes by the Federal Reserve, on the other hand, boosted borrowing rates between 2015 and 2018, dampening demand for cars and new car purchases significantly.
As a result, new vehicle revenues fell 1.8 percent in 2017 and increased just 0.9 percent in 2018, affecting market income in both years.
Furthermore, in 2020, the current coronavirus epidemic is projected to have a significant effect on industry sales.
Consumers have been deferring new car purchases until the economic volatility subsides, as unemployment has risen, reducing per capita disposable income.
According to research, new vehicle prices are expected to drop by 29.9% in 2020 alone, lowering demand for automotive industry goods.
For the next five years, market income is expected to fall at an annualized rate of 2.5 percent to $173.5 billion, with a 10.3 percent drop in 2020.
The Auto Parts Wholesaling industry is expected to reverse its downward trend and rise gradually over the next five years, according to Research, as demand from automotive and vehicle production increases.
Automakers are seeking lightweight and more powerful car parts as a result of tougher emission standards and increased environmental policies, and these parts are expected to be in high demand from dealers, service providers, and producers alike.
As a result, over the five years to 2025, market revenue is expected to rise at an annualized pace of 3.8 percent to $209.0 billion.

This industry is made up of companies that supply vehicle parts wholesale to car makers, auto parts dealers, and auto repair shops.
Fresh tire and tube sales are not included.
In the distribution process, the Auto Parts Wholesaling sector does not employ a lot of capital equipment. The average industrial operator will invest $0.12 in capital equipment for every dollar invested in labor.
Computer inventory management systems, which are used to handle orders and inventory inventories according to real orders, are a crucial capital input for the business. Even with continued usage, these systems depreciate more strongly in the first few years of their introduction but decline more slowly after that.
Labor is necessary to inspect, pack, and distribute orders, as well as for customer support concerns and, in certain cases, sales, in the Auto Parts Wholesaling sector. However, like with most wholesaling sectors, the use of computer technology in the distribution function has the potential to reduce the industry’s reliance on manpower over time.
For example, computer technology will become more capable of receiving and packaging items without the need for human participation over time. Human labor, on the other hand, will always be necessary to examine and fulfill orders, as well as to provide customer support and sales.
The Auto Parts Wholesaling industry has shown modest revenue fluctuation in the five years leading up to 2020, with three of the five years seeing an increase. In 2017, a significant reduction in new automobile sales resulted in an 8.1 percent loss in industry revenue in the same year.
A major drop in new automobile sales in 2020, owing to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic, is predicted to result in a 10.3% drop in income. In general, industry income is determined by demand from the car sector.
Over the last five years, new automobile sales have varied, but have eventually fallen at an annualized pace of 7.3 percent, leading to industry revenue instability. As a result, the industry’s revenue has decreased by 2.5 percent on an average basis during the last five years until 2020. As new automobile sales grow amid a recovering economy, industry income is likely to be less volatile over the next five years.