Auto Glass Repair and Replacement Franchises

Business for Sale Industry Economics




Projected CAGR

2005 - 2021


2021 - 2027






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For the five years leading up to 2019, the auto glass repair and replacement franchise market has seen high demand.

Broken or damaged windows in cars and trucks must also be fixed quickly because the damaged glass can jeopardize the driver’s and vehicle’s protection.

Auto insurance companies also bear the expenses of these fixes, helping to protect the market from unexpected drops in disposable income levels.

Nonetheless, a better economy benefits the industry because people are less likely to put off maintenance because they have more trust in their pockets.

Furthermore, as the number of registered cars on the road has grown, so has the average age of vehicle fleets, resulting in a rise in the number of crashes, which has benefited business operators.

For the five years to 2019, market income is forecast to rise at an annualized rate of 4.2 percent to $658.3 million, with a 1.9 percent increase in 2019.


Window and windshield repair and replacement, as well as gloss installation, are the core facilities provided by operators in the Auto Glass Repair and Replacement Franchises business.

Auto glass scratch and chip removal, as well as some custom jobs, are all available at these locations.

Individual motorists, private buses, auto dealerships, and government cars are among the industries served by the sector.

Industry operators, unlike general car mechanics, offer a specialist service that necessitates skilled labor and specialized machinery.

Repairs and replacements of car windshields, which are needed to ensure safe driving and that cars pass state inspections, create the most revenue for the industry.

The number of crashes that occur per year, and is caused by the number of registered vehicles on the road, as well as the total miles traveled by and the average age of vehicle fleets, are the primary drivers of the industry.


The Auto Glass Repair and Replacement Franchise market is expected to slow down over the next five years, reaching a plateau in 2024.

The number of car crashes, the number of registered cars on the lane, and the age and mileage of automobile fleets will all influence demand for glass repair services in the future.

If the safety requirements for newer vehicles improve, the technologies used in cars to better prevent collisions can improve as well.

As a result, for the five years leading up to 2024, the average number of auto crashes is projected to decrease by 0.1 percent annually.

Industry sales growth is expected to plateau as the number of car crashes declines.

The risk of automobile wear and tear is predicted to persist as the total age of vehicle fleets and the number of domestic trips continues to rise.

Automotive glass replacement, restoration, and tinting for passenger cars, pickups, buses, and other commercial vehicles are also part of this business.

windshield replacement


Automotive glass replacement, restoration, and tinting for passenger cars, pickups, buses, and other commercial vehicles are also part of this business.

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