Athletic Shoe Stores

Business for Sale Industry Economics




Projected CAGR

2002 - 2021


2021 - 2027






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The Athletic Shoe Stores industry has grown strongly over the five years to 2020 due to economic growth and rising sports participation.

The public is becoming increasingly aware of the obesity epidemic in the United States, stirring up a wave of health consciousness that has encouraged Americans to exercise and consequently buy athletic shoes.

Furthermore, increased athletic activity creates more wear and tear on athletic shoes, necessitating more frequent purchases to replace worn-out footwear.

As a result, Research estimates that revenue will grow at an annualized rate of 1.3% to total $16.1 billion over the five years to 2020.

Revenue is estimated to rise 1.1% in 2020 alone, as rising disposable incomes enable consumers to afford premium-priced shoes.


The Athletic Shoe Stores industry has grown strongly amid economic growth, with consumers willing to increase discretionary purchases and invest in expensive athletic footwear.

In addition, obesity concerns have prompted Americans to exercise more often and generally exhibit greater health consciousness, driving up demand for athletic shoes and facilitating 1.1% expected revenue growth in 2020.

Many athletic stores offer custom fittings to ensure optimal performance and comfort for customers, thus mitigating competition from supercenters and online stores.

As a result of these trends, revenue is expected to grow at an annualized rate of 1.3% over the five years to 2020, totaling $16.1 billion.


The Athletic Shoe Stores industry is forecast to continue demonstrating consistent growth over the next five years at an annualized rate of 0.7% to $16.6 billion.

The economy is anticipated to continue expanding, with increased disposable income prompting consumers to buy price-premium athletic shoes.

While consumer spending is expected to accelerate, heightened competition from online retailers will temper industry growth.

Nevertheless, economic gains and favorable consumer trends will continue to support the industry.

For example, sports participation is slated to rise 2.6% in 2020, spurring an expected 1.5% increase in industry revenue that year.

Athletic Shoe Stores Business for Sale Indsutry Economics


This industry includes retailers that primarily sell athletic shoes, such as running shoes, basketball shoes and sneakers; these stores may also sell apparel.

Stores that primarily sell specialty sports footwear, such as golf shoes, bowling shoes and spiked shoes, are included as part of the Sporting Goods Stores industry.

Used goods and online sales are also excluded from this industry.

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