Air Gun and Airsoft Gun Manufacturing
Business for Sale Industry Economics
Projected CAGR
2003 - 2020
2020 - 2026
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Over the five years leading up to 2020, operators in the Air Gun and Airsoft Gun Manufacturing sector have faced a lot of uncertainty. Industry players create and manufacture weapons that fire projectiles such as BBs and pellets that are propelled by compressed air rather than explosives. Target shooting is one among the many leisure, hunting, and sports activities for which industry goods are utilized.
The sector started to normalize early during the era as demand leveled after benefitting from years of pent-up demand. Industry income started to dwindle as a result of decreased exports and decreasing hunting participation. Increased discretionary spending was insufficient to boost industrial product sales.
As a result, industry sales fell an annualized 2.7 percent to $291.1 million in the five years leading up to 2020, including a 0.3 percent drop in 2020 alone, as customers faced a difficult social and economic environment as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.
The industry’s relationship with the conventional Guns and Ammunition Manufacturing industry contributed to the industry’s instability over the era. When people’s excitement for weapons grows, particularly when further regulation is on the horizon, more individuals engage in activities like target shooting.
As a result, demand for industry goods plummeted as demand for conventional firearms plummeted early in the era owing to lessened consumer fears about more strict gun restrictions. An increase in demand has been attributed to recent social upheaval in major US cities. This, together with decreased input costs, is predicted to increase industry profit.
As economic circumstances improve and customers’ interest in target shooting remains high, sector revenue is expected to rise an annualized 1.0 percent to $305.9 million during the five years to 2025. Consumer expenditure on discretionary goods like air guns and pastimes that need industrial goods is expected to increase as disposable income rises.
The intended outdoor usage industry goods may also inspire more customers to buy these things, as they are wary of inside gatherings and seek new activities. Furthermore, a continuing weakening of the US currency would likely make industrial goods more competitive in the worldwide market, supporting export growth after many years of decline. As multinational manufacturers compete for local demand, price competition is likely to persist.
Over the five years leading up to 2020, the air gun and airsoft gun manufacturing business saw modest instability. Small guns are manufactured by industry participants for leisure, hunting, and sporting purposes. These tiny weapons, like BB and pellet guns, are distinguished from firearms by the fact that their projectiles are discharged with compressed air rather than burned gunpowder. Springs, pneumatic pumps, and carbon dioxide cartridges are examples of air compression mechanisms.
Following a boom in demand for industrial items, demand for these items began to decline early in the decade. Over the last five years, participation in hunting and target shooting, as well as export demand, which is a significant industrial market, has decreased. Consumer confidence has plummeted in recent years as a result of the COVID-19 (coronavirus) epidemic and the subsequent economic downturn.
Consumers are more inclined to put off non-essential purchases as they remain concerned about the present and future economic situations as a result of the rise in unemployment. However, in light of recent violent eruptions in major US cities, consumers have shown a stronger interest in the home and personal security. Research projects that industry sales fell an annualized 2.7 percent to $291.1 million in the five years leading up to 2020, with a 0.3 percent loss in 2020 alone.
Multiple demand patterns have contributed to the industry’s revenue volatility during the last five years. Demand for industrial items soared before and during the Great Recession. Due to the extremely discretionary character of air and airsoft firearms, more customers were able to acquire industry items as per capita disposable income started to improve during the recession.
Additionally, expenditure on leisure activities increased, particularly target shooting, which often entails the use of industrial goods. The industry’s revenue grew substantially as a consequence of the fulfillment of customer pent-up demand. However, after this pent-up need was met, demand for air and airsoft weapons started to normalize and subsequently decrease, resulting in a drop in industry income over time.
The sector’s success has also been linked to the conventional Weapons and Ammunition Manufacturing business, with rising demand for air and airsoft firearms connecting with greater passion for guns. Consumers who buy more weapons are more likely to engage in associated activities such as target shooting. Increased usage of air guns and airsoft weapons frequently follows an increase in this passion and involvement.
The industry’s laxer restrictions, as well as its lower average price point, making it more accessible to people interested in shooting, or “plinking,” activities. Furthermore, youngsters often start with air guns and other commercial items before moving on to real firearms. As a result, demand for associated activities and industry goods declined as demand for conventional firearms declined during the first half of the period owing to lessened consumer worries about more strict gun laws.
The decline in hunting activity has also had an impact on industry demand. Hunting with air guns is popular, particularly for small animals and birds. However, according to the Fish and Wildlife Service, the number of Americans aged 16 and above who participate in hunting has decreased from 13.7 million in 2011 to 11.5 million in 2016. (latest data available).
Furthermore, hunting expenditures fell to $26.2 billion in 2014, down from $36.1 billion in 2011. As a result, one of the most important markets for industrial goods has shrunk, reducing demand for the better part of the last five years.
Furthermore, although a variety of reasons contributed to stagnant demand for industrial goods over time, demand has lately begun to rise as US residents have become concerned about recent violent events around the country. Rising tensions have also been exacerbated by calls to defund police enforcement organizations.
Air guns are a feasible option for self-defense, particularly in locations where weapons are strictly regulated or in families where regular weapons are uneasy to handle. Despite recent economic pressures caused by the coronavirus outbreak, continued social unrest and the impending presidential election, which is anticipated to concentrate on relevant gun issues, are expected to boost demand for industry goods.
In the industry, trade plays a critical role. Over the five years leading up to 2020, the value of industrial exports has decreased by 13.2 percent on an annualized basis, to $28.2 million. Part of this reduction may be attributed to the strengthening of the US currency, which has increased the cost of US exports to overseas customers. Furthermore, industrial exports have decreased as Asian manufacturers’ low-cost imports have encroached on worldwide demand.
While exports provide chances for the sector, imports have become a danger. Air and airsoft gun manufacture, in particular, is often shifted to nations like China to take advantage of reduced labor costs. Nonetheless, throughout the five years leading up to 2020, the value of imports has decreased by 4.7 percent on an annualized basis, to $153.5 million.
Domestic demand for industrial goods weakened significantly during this time period, accounting for a big proportion of the loss. Despite an obvious pricing advantage, imports have fallen short of local manufacturing. Increasing disposable income has meant that customers can likely afford more costly, but often better quality, US-made sector items, even if domestic demand has decreased from time to time. US firms are anticipated to gain a competitive advantage over their overseas competitors as product innovation continues.
The air gun and airsoft gun manufacturing sector is quite tiny, with just a few players. Furthermore, certain companies, such as Velocity Outdoor Inc., previously Crosman Corporation, dominate local manufacturing, while others, such as Daisy Outdoor Goods, choose to manufacture more of their products abroad. The predicted decline in the number of industrial firms, which has declined at an annualized rate of 3.7 percent to 19 firms in the five years leading up to 2020, only reflects the departure of four operators.
Nonetheless, the sector’s revenue volatility over the last five years has resulted in some sector participation instability, with tiny specialty players joining and exiting the business. Operators have also attempted to reduce personnel expenses and concentrate on automation where feasible due to fluctuating and frequently diminishing income.
Manufacturing and research and development efforts, on the other hand, continue to need labor. As a result, employment in the business has increased at a 1.2 percent yearly pace to 975 individuals in the five years leading up to 2020. Due to low labor and material costs and a resurgence in demand in 2020, the industry profit has also increased. In 2020, the average industry profit margin, which is calculated as profits before interest and taxes, is predicted to be 7.6% of revenue.
The Air Gun and Airsoft Gun Manufacturing business is expected to expand somewhat slower than the overall economy during the next five years, through 2025. Increased disposable incomes and consumer spending are expected to lead to greater purchases of leisure and sports equipment, as well as more individuals participating in recreational activities like target shooting and buying discretionary products like air guns.
Furthermore, the expected devaluation of the US currency is projected to make industrial exports less costly for overseas purchasers, luring overseas sales of US goods. Import competition, regulatory pressure, and modestly improved consumer choice dynamics are all expected to be significant challenges for sector actors. Over the five years to 2020, forecasts indicates an annualized 1.0 percent rise in industry revenue to $305.9 million.
During the forecast period, the industry is likely to profit from favorable trends. Per capita disposable income is expected to improve as the economy recovers from the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, expanding at an annualized pace of 1.2 percent during the five years through 2025.
As a consequence, consumers will most likely have more money to spend on non-essential things and activities. Target shooting participation is expected to rise as a result of the increased investment. As a result, demand for equipment employed in these operations, such as industrial items, is expected to increase. In addition, with more money in their wallets, customers are more inclined to replace their older air and airsoft weapons with newer, more costly models.
The export expansion will most likely boost the sector as well. Over the five years to 2025, the trade-weighted index, which measures the strength of the US dollar, is expected to fall at an annualized rate of 1.5 percent, indicating that US-made goods will likely compete more effectively with products made in countries with low wages and few regulatory constraints. As a result, overseas purchasers can expect to pay less for industrial exports.
As a consequence, during the five years to 2025, the value of industrial exports is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 1.4 percent to $30.3 million. Domestic demand, on the other hand, is likely to stimulate the import of more industrial goods, despite the fact that imports are becoming more costly due to the depreciation of the dollar.
As a result, during the five years to 2025, the value of industrial imports is expected to rise by an annualized 0.2 percent to $155.3 million. Imports, on the other hand, are not expected to meet record levels of domestic demand.
Other variables, like legislation, are expected to moderate industry performance, apart from growing import competition. For example, the business has already begun to feel the effects of the new focus on conventional firearms control. Following a spate of shootings, Walmart Inc. stated that goods that mimic assault-style firearms, including some brands of airsoft weapons, would be removed from its website.
More stores and governments may prohibit the sale of industrial items in the future years as a result of increased scrutiny. As a result, industry participants will almost certainly need to pay close attention to this trend and build their goods accordingly. Furthermore, other types of enjoyment may moderate engagement in target shooting and hunting. The number of time customers are expected to spend doing things like watching TV and playing video games has already lowered the demand for activities that use industry items. During the forecast term, this pattern is anticipated to persist.
Regardless of the aforementioned concerns, the general growth in demand for air and airsoft firearms is projected to drive more industry involvement. Overall, prospective industry players are likely to be on the fence about whether or not to join the market. Strong foreign competition, as well as a US company that currently controls a significant portion of the market, are predicted to restrict industry entry.
As a result, research indicates that the number of industrial firms will stay the same over the next five years, remaining at 19 businesses. Over the next five years, it is projected that improving social and economic circumstances would drive more output. As a consequence, employment in the sector is expected to increase by 0.8 percent annually to 1,016 jobs by 2025.
Nonetheless, the greater emphasis on cost will very certainly imply that, despite growing employment, salaries will gradually lose their percentage of income. In contrast, owing to rising input costs and increased competition, industry profit is expected to stay flat in 2025.

Air guns and airsoft weapons, which are not weapons, are largely manufactured in this business. Air guns and airsoft guns utilize compressed air or gas, while weapons utilize a propellant that burns. Hunting, pest control, leisure shooting, and competitive sports are all common uses for air guns and airsoft weapons. This industry includes spring-loaded, pneumatic, gas-powered, and electric firearms, but excludes weapons made expressly for paintball.
The Air Gun and Airsoft Gun Manufacturing sector, according to research, is at its mature stage of development. Over the ten years to 2025, industrial value added (IVA), which quantifies an industry’s contribution to the entire economy, is expected to rise at an annualized rate of 0.9 percent. In contrast, the US economy is anticipated to increase by 1.9 percent on an annualized basis for the same time period.
While IVA growth that is slower than general economic growth is usually indicative of a dying sector, there are numerous reasons that preclude this from being the case in this situation. The industry’s poor IVA growth may be traced back to a previous boom in growth, which was fueled by pent-up demand.
As a result, demand normalization was partially to blame for the subsequent fall. Furthermore, the industry’s profit margin initially dipped as demand dipped momentarily, despite the fact that industrial capacity expenses remained unchanged.
Since the early 1500s, air guns have been employed in popular leisure and sporting activities such as target shooting and hunting. In recent years, industrial goods have been improved to become more powerful, allowing them to be used for larger game hunting. Military and law enforcement training are two examples of where industry goods have been employed in novel ways.
Despite this, the sector faces obstacles that might lead to its demise in the future. Low-cost imports currently dominate the lower-end market for air and airsoft firearms, and local makers will certainly face increased competition.
Furthermore, as more people spend their spare time doing things like playing video games, hunting and target shooting participation will certainly decline, resulting in decreasing demand for industry goods. Nonetheless, in the ten years leading up to 2025, the sector is expected to show further indications of maturity. This comprises a fairly consistent amount of businesses, workers, and establishments.